Friday, April 20, 2018

Remove database locks that have been idle / inactive for at least 5 minutes

A. Oracle Database

//Find the all the row exclusive locks belong to dbuserID and have been inactive for more than
//5 minutes
SQL> select v1.sid, v1.serial#
           from v$session v1, v$locked_object v2
           where upper(v1.status)='INACTIVE' and v1.LAST_CALL_ET > 300 and                                                        upper(v2.ORACLE_USERNAME)='dbuserID' and v2.LOCKED_MODE=3
                      and v1.sid = v2.session_id;

//Remove the locks

B. Postgresql

           FROM pg_stat_activity s
           JOIN pg_locks p1 ON = 
           WHERE (now() - s.query_start) > interval '5 minutes'
                    and upper(s.usename)='dbuserID' and upper(s.state) like 'IDLE%'
                    and p1.mode='RowExclusiveLock' and p1.granted is true;

SQL> select pg_terminate_backend(pid);


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