Monday, May 6, 2019

Install Tomcat 9 as the web server in NetBeans 11.0

Download the Tomcat core zip file from The file downloaded is apache-tomcat-9.9.19.

Extract files from the zip file to the C:\Program Files directory.

Open the NetBeans 11.0, click on Tools in the top menu and select Servers.

In the popup window, click the Add Server button.

In the new popup window, select Apache Tomcat or TomEE from the server list. Then, click the Next button.

In the popup window, enter the Tomcat location as the Server location, fill in the username and password fields, and click the Finish button.

It will take you back to the Server screen, which now looks like the one below. Click the Close button to close the window.

To start the Tomcat server, right click the Apache Tomcat or TomEE under Servers in the Services tab, and select Start.

In a few seconds, the server is available to view at http://localhost:8080

Right click on your web service project and select run to start your website.

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1. Installing Tomcat 7 and Configuring as Server in NetBeans

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