Thursday, February 13, 2014

SQL Inner Join and Outer Join

Inner Join and Outer Join are used to query information from two database tables. Using them in combination or repeatedly, you can query information from multiple tables.

For example, your organization has an artist table containing all the artists including all dancers and singers, which has a artistId column , a dancer table that has a dancerId column, and a singer table that has a singerId column.  Both the dancerId in the dancer table and the singerId in the singer table reference the artistId in the artist table.

Columns in the artist table: artistId, name, phone, address
Columns in the dancer table: dancerId, style, level
Columns in the singer table: singerId, style, level

Inner Join: Returns only those records that the joining condition matches. For example to list the names and styles of the dancers only:

FROM artist a
Inner Join dancer b on a.artistId = b.dancerId;

Left Outer Join: Returns all the records from the table or from previous Joins before the current Left Outer Join and only those records that match the joining condition from the table following the Left Outer Join. For example to list all the artists including both dancers and singers and the dancing styles of those who are dancers:

SELECT, as "dancing style"
FROM artist a
Left Outer Join dancer b on a.artistId = b.dancerId;

Right Outer Join is the opposite of Left Outer Join. It returns only those records that the joining condition matches from the table or previous Joins before the current Right Outer Join and all the records from the table following the Right Outer Join. For example to list the name and style of all the dancers and the sing style of those who are also singers:

SELECT, as "dancing style", as "singing style"
FROM singer c
Right Outer Join dancer b on b.dancerId = c.singerId
Inner Join artist a on a.artistId = b.dancerId;

Full Outer Join returns all the records match as well as those don't match the joining condition from both sides of the Full Outer Join. For example to list the names, the dancing styles, and the singing styles of all the artists:

SELECT, as "dancing style", as "singing style"
FROM artist a
Full Outer Join dancer b on a.artistId = b.dancerId 
Full Outer Join singer c on a.artistId = c.dancerId;

The Join Predicate is the part following the word "on". In the above Righ Outer Join example, the b.dancerid = c.singerId and a.artistId = b.dancerId are join predicates.


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  1. Thank you Joy. Could you write why i get below error "Column 'flightNo' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause" ? I know the solution but not the reason.


  2. Hi Selena, You are welcome. Here is the link.
