Thursday, July 24, 2014

NetBeans low memory/not enough memory to compile

The NetBeans gives a "low memory" or "not enough memory to compile" warning when it needs more memory to compile your project.

A. Delete NetBeans cache to release memory.
      Close NetBeans and delete the cache folder.    

      Location of NetBeans caches:
      Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\<cache folder should be deleted>
      MAC OS X: /Users//Library/Caches/NetBeans/<cache folder>
      UNIX: /home//.cache/netbeans/<cache folder>

B. Allocate more memory for NetBeans.

1. Go to your NetBeans home directory.
2. Open the netbeans.conf file in the etc directory.
3. Find the netbeans_default_options parameter in the file.
4. Set the -J-Xms and -J-XX to larger values.

C. Allocate more memory for your project, follow the steps below.

1. Perform a clean and build of your project. You can get it done by performing one of the followings.
      a. Right click your project and select "Clean and Build".
      b. Select your project in the Project Pane, then type Shift+F11.
      c. Select your project in the Project Pane, then click the Run button in the top menu of the frame and select "Clean and Build Project".

2. Watch the Output pane carefully to make sure that your project compiles successfully.

3. Right click your project and select "Properties". In the pop up window select "Run" in the left Categories. Then, set the VM Options on the right side of the window. For example, setting the VM Option to -Xms64m -Xmx1024m tells your JVM to allocate minimum 64 megabytes of memory to your project up to maximum of 1024 megabytes of memory. However, the memory set here cannot exceed the RAM your machine has.


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  1. Thank you, it worked for me:)

  2. Thanks, Win7 said that it recycled 54,000 items worth a whopping 2.83 Gigabytes.

    After starting up Netbeans, the /Cache/ folder contained 13,680 files with a size of 260 MB.

    Also, if anyone is worried about their personal IDE UI adjustments: They were NOT affected by deleting the /Cache/ folder.

  3. Hello can you pls tell me how to find my catch folder in netbeans

    1. Hi, Do you mean the cache folder? The cache is not stored in NetBeans itself, instead it is stored somewhere in your computer.
      Please reference Part A of my post above to find the folder and delete it.
