Monday, November 3, 2014

Desktop shortcut throws C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe The specified path does not exist

When you double click the desktop shortcut for executing your Java program, the following message pops up.

To fix this, right-click on your desktop shortcut icon and select Properties. In the Target field in the new pop up window, type 'java <your execute program>' or 'java -jar <your executable jar name>', then click the "Apply" button at the bottom, it will automatically put the correct path in the Target field.

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  1. Am encountering the same prob. What shud I type in the target field ? Can u pls explain it further ?

    1. This error means that the specified path of your java.exe (C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe here) does not exist. You may check the java.exe location in the directory of your java home to make sure you use the correct path. Or you can set your JAVA_HOME and PATH environmental variables, you then only enter java MyProgramClass or java -jar MyProgram.jar in the Target field.
