Friday, May 30, 2014

Setting text styles, colors, font and alignment in JTextPane (2): html

You can also setting the styles, colors, font and other character of the text in JTextPane using html. Following is an example code.

import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;

public class HtmlTest extends JTextPane {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        //create the JTextPane and set the ContentType to text/html
        HtmlTest test = new HtmlTest();
        String str = "<p align='center'><font size='14' color='blue' style='background-color: gray;'>Style Test Result</font></p><br/>"+
                    "<font size='8' color='red' style='background-color:green;'>the first line</font><br/>"+
                    "the second line<br/>";
        //get the HTMLEditorKit
        HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)test.getDocument();
        HTMLEditorKit editorKit = (HTMLEditorKit)test.getEditorKit();
            //insert the text using the HTMLEditorKit
            editorKit.insertHTML(doc, doc.getLength(), str,0,0, null);
        }catch(BadLocationException ble){
        } catch(IOException ioe){
        JFrame f = new JFrame("Style Test");
        f.setContentPane(new JScrollPane(test));
        f.setSize(500, 300);

           Previous <


1. Setting text styles, colors, font and alignment in JTextPane (1): attributes


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