Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Crystal Reports: Unexpected database connector error

When the parameters in a crystal report query are not in the form <TableName>.<ColumnName>, it sometimes throw the following exception.

 detected an exception: Unexpected database connector error
at com.crystaldecisions.reports.datafoundation.DFQuery.for(SourceFile:632)
at com.crystaldecisions.reports.datalayer.a.a(SourceFile:1404)

To fix this exception, just add the corresponding table name following by the period to front of your parameters which are table columns in your database. For example, if you have a parameter named condition and its value is a string  value="name='apple' and location='America'", when you set it using code like the following:

ParameterFieldController pfc = <your code to get the ParameterFieldController>;
pfc.setCurrentValue("", "condition", value);

You may get the above exception.

Change the value to String value="'apple' and Fruit.location='America'" where Fruit is the table name in your database should fix the above exception.


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