Saturday, December 11, 2021

Use the Speak to read aloud your Microsoft Office document - Listen to your Word document

 If you would like to know how your Word document sounds, you may follow the steps below to let the Speak read your Microsoft Word document to you.

A. Add Speak to the Quick Access Toolbar

1. Click on the Custom Quick Access Toolbar located in the top-left corner of the Work editor and select More Commands.

2. In the popped-up window, select All Commands from the left, scroll down to select Speak, click the Add button to add Speak to the Customize Quick Access Toolbar on the right side, and click the OK button at the bottom.

3. Check that the Speak selected text icon displays in the top-right corner.

B. Select the text you want to hear and click the Speak to let it read the text aloud.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Solved - java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00257: Archiver error. Connect AS SYSDBA only until resolved.

 The issue occurs when the archivlogs or backups ocupy too much space. You can follow the steps below to remove some of the files.

1. Login to your system as the oracle user.

2. Type rman on the command line and hit the enter.

     [oracle@linux]$> rman

3. Connect to the target database.

     RMAN> connect target

4. Delete the backups or obsolete backups.

      RMAN> delete obsolete;

      or delete all backups:

      RMAN> delete backup;

5. Remove archive logs.

      RMAN> delete force copy of archivelog all;

6. RMAN> exit