Monday, February 14, 2022

Crystal Reports: How to suppress the display of a field / column with a Boolean condition

 A. Use Crystal Report Suppress

1. Open the rpt template in SAP Crystal Reports, right click on the field you want to suppress, and select Format Field.

2. Select the Common tab in the Format Editor window, check the Suppress, and click on the corresponding X-2 button.

3. In the popped up window, enter a boolean value to specify when to suppress the field. A true value will suppress the field display and a false value will allow it to display. 

4. Click the Save and close to save.

B. Use Crystal Report Formula

1. Click the View menu and select Field Explorer. 

2. Right-click the Formula Fields and choose New, enter a formula name, and click OK.

3. Write your condition for displaying the field values.

4. Click the Save and close to save.