Thursday, September 1, 2016

Trace the system calls of a program execution using strace on linux

You can use strace to trace the system calls of execution of any executables. For example:

      strace  mkdir test
      strace java -jar MyProgram.jar

It is a very powerful debug tool for it allows you to see the details of each system calls.

1. Direct the output to a file

      strace -o <output file name> java -jar MyProgram.jar
      strace java -jar MyProgram.jar > <output file name>

2. Trace one or more particular system calls

      strace -e read java -jar MyProgram.jar

      strace -e trace=read,open java -jar MyProgram.jar //It is important that there is no blank space between 'read,' and 'open'.

3. Trace an executing process

      //Find the pid of the process
      ps -ef | grep <your process name>

      //Trace the process
      sudo strace -p <pid> -e open -o processExecute.txt



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