Friday, August 22, 2014

Bit And in Java and SQL

The Bit And compares each digits of two numbers in their binary format.

Decimal format                   Binary format
2                                        00000010
16                                      00010000
18                                      00010010

The Bit And works in the way that if two numbers both have 1 at a digit position in their binary formats, the result number has a 1 for that digit position, otherwise the result has a 0 for that digit position.

For numbers 2 and 16, since there has no position in their binary format that both numbers have 1, so the result of Bit And of 2 and 16 is 0 (00000000).

The result of Bit And of numbers 2 and 18, however, is 2 (00000010) due to the second position is 1 for both numbers.

In Java the operation symbol for Bit And is "&". For example,

             if ((theNumber & 2) == 2) {
                     . . . . . .

In SQL the operation symbol for Bit And is "bitand". For example,

              SELECT name, price
              FROM fruit
              WHERE bitand (criteria, 8) = 8;


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