Friday, November 3, 2017

JLabel: setHorizontalTextPosition vs setHorizontalAlignment

A JLabel can display a text string or an image or both.

The setHorizontalTextPosition(int textPosition) method is used when a JLabel displays both an image and a text. This method specifies whether the text should be displayed on the left or right side or center of the image. It takes an argument which is one of these SwingConstants values: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, LEADING or TRAILING. TRAILING is the default position.

The setHorizontalAlignment(int alignment) method is used to specify the alignment of the whole contents on the JLable. It also takes an argument which is one of these SwingConstants values: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, LEADING or TRAILING.

For example, you have a JLabel which only displays the text "User Name", and you want the text to be at the right side of the label. You have two ways to achieve this.

1. JLabel userLabel = new JLabel ("User Name", SwingConstants.RIGHT");

2. JLabel userLabel = new JLabel();

      userLabel.setText("User Name"); //by default, JLabel displays text at the left edge.


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