Friday, April 20, 2018

Defference between the asperand @ and the exclamation point ! in sqlplus

The @ symbol runs a script in the current directory (or one specified with a full or relative path, or one that is found in your SQLPATH or ORACLE_PATH).

For example, you have an employeeList.sql file containing the following line.

select firstName, lastName from employee;

SQL> @employeeList
George                   Thomson
Richard                  Barton

The exclamation point tells sqlplus that we want to open a shell session and execute a command.

For example, you have the PrintWelcome.jar in your folder.

SQL> !java -jar PrintWelcome.jar

SQL> !pwd

echo "My first name is George"
echo "My last name is OueLong"

SQL> !
My first name is George
My last name is OueLong


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